Chemical Guys Warm Apple Pie Air Freshener (16oz)Chemical Guys Warm Apple Pie Air Freshener (16oz)
Chemical Guys Warm Apple Pie Air Freshener (16oz)

Chemical Guys Warm Apple Pie Air Freshener (16oz)


by Chemical Guys


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Ahh Chemical Guys! Warm Apple Pie Air Freshener, surely one of the best to date? I mean who doesn't want the pleasing aroma of freshly-baked apple pie captured in a bottle? Use in any car, home, office or other shared space. A ready to use formula, that can be diluted - but why would you want to?

Please note: We can not be held responsible for any Apple Pie cravings that may develop as a result of using this product.

Pro Tip: Having friends over for dinner? Simply heat up a pre-made pie, sprinkle yourself with flour, have a quick spritz of the air freshener and declare exhaustively "Guys! Who wants to try some of my homemade pie? Can you believe how delicious it smells?"

How to use. you're good to go...set the trigger to open and spray to your hearts content.